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Teeth Cleaning Costs Toronto

By: Milena Hakani RDH, Dental Hygiene Lead at Twogether Dental - Original Publication Date: Dec 14, 2023


One of the most frequently asked questions our new patients ask is "how much does a new dental cleaning cost?" In this article, I'll explain the key points new patients need to know when calculating the cost of a dental checkup and teeth cleaning for you and your family.

How Are Teeth Cleaning Fees Calculated?

Dental cleaning fees are calculated in "units of time" starting from $175 to $400 depending on the patients unique needs. To determine the total "time units" needed to complete the cleaning treatment, each patient must be examined by a dental professional. For this reason, most dental clinics do not offer a flat fee for dental hygiene treatment.

That said, it is possible to estimate the cost of treatment using the Ontario Dental Association Fee Guide.

According to the ODA, a "time unit" is the equivalent of 15 minutes. The total cost of a "time unit" varies by the type of treatment being applied. In other words, some treatments cost more and some less for the same amount of time.

For teeth cleaning specifically, the ODA's suggested fee's are as follows:

Teeth Cleaning / Scaling Fee (according to the ODA guide)

  • 11111 = 1 time unit (15 minutes) for $69
  • 11112 = 2 time units (30 minutes) for $134
  • 11113 = 3 time units (45 minutes) for $192
  • 11114 = 4 time units (60 minutes) for $252

Teeth Polishing Fee (according to the ODA guide)

  • 11101 = 1 time unit (15 minutes) for $33

Dental Fluoride Fee (according to the ODA guide)

  • 12112 = Gel or Foam for $32
  • 12113 = Varnish for $33
  • 12111 = Rinse for $9

Teeth Cleaning Cost Example

Using the guide above, let's suppose a patient needed a total of 1 hour of cleaning/scaling. According to the guide, the fee for this treatment would be $252. In addition, suppose the patient chose one time unit of polishing and a standard fluoride treatment.

In this scenario, the total cost of treatment according to the ODA guide would be:

  • Cleaning: $252
  • Polishing: $33
  • Fluoride: $74

Total Cost: $365

How To Lower Your Dental Cleaning Costs

If you're on a budget or do not have dental insurance, here are a few tips you can use to lower your dental hygiene costs.

Government Benefits

The Canada Dental Benefit provides eligible families with up to $650 of coverage per child under 12 years of age for a period of 2 years.

Consistent Cleanings

As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In other words, maintaining a consistent cadence of cleanings is a great way to avoid more serious and costly issues like gingivitis and gum disease.


In conclusion, understanding how dental cleaning fees are calculated is essential for individuals and families seeking dental care. While costs may vary based on the unique needs of each patient, the use of the Ontario Dental Association Fee Guide provides a helpful framework for estimating expenses. By breaking down fees into time units, patients can better comprehend the cost associated with specific treatments like teeth cleaning, scaling, polishing, and fluoride applications. Exploring strategies to lower dental cleaning costs, such as leveraging government benefits and maintaining a consistent schedule of cleanings, can be particularly beneficial for those on a budget or without dental insurance. Ultimately, investing in preventive care not only promotes oral health but also proves to be a cost-effective approach in the long run, preventing more serious and expensive dental issues.

Photo of Dr. Iliana Paparisto, DDS, DMD
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Iliana Paparisto, DDS, DMD on Dec 14, 2023